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简介1.英语选择题 i know the man (all of the above ) you talked to in the street just now。2.2022年成人高考考试真题及答案解析-专升本《英语》?3.高考英语听力真题「全国I卷」4.问两道高考英语定从 状从选择题!!急用!!高考英语完型填空题型分析 完形填空一直是广大高中生公认的难点,本文希望根据一篇高考真题(06年四川卷),

1.英语选择题 i know the man (all of the above ) you talked to in the street just now。



4.问两道高考英语定从 状从选择题!!急用!!





一,单纯考察语法的题目只有两道且难度较低:45题,All ___ them the rain was pouring down… 表达“人置身于大雨中”用介词around;48题,… he found ___ at the ranch gate. Raul发现自己已回到家门口,用反身代词himself。



例如42题,There stood a tall, white ___. An old man stared down at him from its back. 这里说明这个“又白又高”的是老人的坐骑,那么到底是骑的什么呢?后面的Raul followed on his horse彻底给出了答案。


还是以42题这两句为例,老人是骑在tall马上面的,盯着Raul看也是stare down的,Raul又是个小孩儿,推出:他看老人应该是昂着头的了。所以41题,He ___. 选A, looked up。


纵观全文,尽管老头的出场很生猛,但随着情节的发展,我们发现他并没做什么邪恶可怕的事情,不仅把Raul送回了家,还在临别时微笑着挥手致意,这些点滴帮助我们拼凑出一个和蔼可亲的老人形象,给人以好的正向的感觉。那么43题,the old man answered ___. 老人是以怎样的态度回答Raul的呢?B, C选项的angrily和coldly(冷淡地)两个负向的不好的副词,明显与老人的形象冲突,排除。A选项的lazily更是没有任何根据,排除。而老人家说话做事都慢一点倒是讲得通,故选择D选项的slowly。



例如51题,Raul’s father ran out across the yard to ___ him. “we he been worried about you. Are you okay? … ”这道题错误率极高,许多同学都被父亲“are you okay?”这一问误导,选了D选项的ask。其实大家静下来仔细一想,都不难能体会:平常亲朋好友相聚重逢,总免不了嘘寒问暖,但整个过程根本的核心是“逢(meet)”这个本质目的,而不是“问(ask)”这个表面形式。外面天气恶劣,儿子没按时回家,做父亲的心急如焚,突然看见孩子出现在大门口,赶紧冲出去,一路小跑,穿过整个院子,这一系列动作的最终目的仅仅是为了问上这么一句吗?不是。而是为了和儿子见面重逢啊!(大家也可以试想如果父亲是个哑巴,他这时就不冲出去了吗?:)所以选择B选项的meet。


这类题型难度较高,原因一:完全依靠自身的英文素养(内功),临场做题时,知道就是知道,不知道就是不知道,无太多技巧可言。原因二:多年学习过程中,中学教材单词表和电子词典的简单中文释义,让同学们“知道”了许多单词,“吃透”的却很少。一个“打击、打中”可以想到defeat, catch, damage, strike… 一串单词,确不知道其中区别。这次的55题,考察的就是Gray老头曾被雷劈过,这个“劈”用哪个动词最合适。

A, defeated这个“打”主要的意思是“击败”,潜台词有过一场较量,而人是不可能跟雷电交上手的。B, caught (catch)有“抓住、击中”的意思,细细体会,它有“经过追逐,终于catch”的意味。选catch就成了:雷一直追着老头劈,直至劈中,这个闪电也太执著了吧?!C, damaged的意思偏向于“损害”,尤其是对物和财产造成的损失,不合适。D, struck (strike)的意思是“打击”,有非常迅速的意味,刚好与闪电的特点相符,故选D

英语选择题 i know the man (all of the above ) you talked to in the street just now。

1.、____debate concerning____quertion is brought to____life again whether a person has the right to end his or her own life when he or her can not live with an incurable disease.(C a the / )

原因:A debate concerning the question 意思:考虑这个问题的一个辩论。


A debate一个辩论(下面whether...描述了这一辩论,初次提到)用 a 修饰第一次遇到的单数名词。

bring to life 固定搭配 “使苏醒”,句子中表示辩论再次展开。


2.My seta is next to___of the famous writer so I could ask for some advici from him about writing.(A that)

原因:that 用作指示代词,其指代意义同形容词用法,同时它还可以用作定语从句中的先行词;还可为了避免重复,代替前述名词。

举例:1.That is what he told me.

2.What is that (which) you he got in your hand?

3.The price of rice is higher than that of flour.


3 An explosion broke out in hongdong county,Shanxi Province the other day,causing man miners injured,___to hospital immediately.

A most of whom sent

B most of them are sent

C most of them were sent

D most of them sent

原因:这句是非谓语的考点,“___to hospital immediately”的主语是人,人被送到医院,因此用被动sent,非谓语没有be动词,B,C不对

them表示前面提及的miners矿工们,在这个小分句中为主语,因此不能用whom(例:I was sent to school.不说 me was sent to school)

4. All the neighbors admire the family,____the children and parents build up a friendly relationship.

A which B why C where D that

原因:考察定从。“____the children and parents build up a friendly relationship”修饰family。孩子和家长们“在”家中建立了友好关系,family表地点,用where修饰

5.Why he I never seen your old brother?

Away____seven years ago.

A he went B went he C did he go D he has gone


away状语提前,倒装,应该是He went away 7 years ago.有具体时间就不能用完成时,这是语法。如果你不说7年前,就用完成时啦。


例:Out rushed a missile from under the bomber.

Ahead sat an old woman.


例Here he comes. Away they went.

6 A new school has been set up in____was a grass land many years ago.

A which B that C what D of which

选A。我肯定答案错了,in which=where,句子的意思是一所新学校建在许多年以前是一片草地的地方。这是定从,定从中绝对不能用what。答案错啦。




从句you talked to in the street just now中talk to sb.是固定搭配,“和……说话”,sb.实际上就是先行词the man,指人。



二、指人,即先行词the man,



I've become good friends with several of the students in my school _____ I met in the English speech contest last year. A. who B. when C. where D .which (2010湖南28)选A

故选择D、all of the above (以上皆是)

注意:一般考试中,我们约定定语从句中关系代词指人,且做主语,用who,作宾语用whom.。如出现如上述高考题的情况,如选项中没有whom,可选who. 只要了解who有这种用法即可。


成考快速报名和免费咨询:s://.87dh/xl/ 猎考网分享:2022年成人高考考试真题及答案解析-专升本《英语》 ,答案来自考生回忆,仅供参考。  选择题答案:

1-5 DACBB 6-10 ABDCB

11-15 ADBBD 16- 20 CBAAC

21 -25 CADBD 26-30 ABCBC

31-35 ABCBC 36-40 DACBD

41-45 BACBD 46 -50 DDDAC

51 -55 BABAD 56-60 ACHED


你(LiYuan)周一因为要去参加演讲比赛,不能上外教(Professor Smith)的写作课。给他发一封E-mail







Dear Teacher,

I he a compete this Monday;, so I he to give up your important class to join this compete.lam worrying about how to improve competition,so I decide to find a enough time to improve after this compete.Please understand the reason why I asked for lee. I he prepared for this contest for a long time. The competition for the speech contest is so fierce that I need to go all out. In the face of this pressure, I he to ask for lee from the teacher and hope that the teacher will rove Ipromise that I will make up the missing course content and submit the homework in time when I come back from the competition. I hope you will rove again Your student

Li Yuan


问两道高考英语定从 状从选择题!!急用!!

 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)




 例:How much is the shirt?

 A. £19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15.

 答案是 C。

 1. What does the woman want to do?

 A. Find a place. B. Buy a map. C. Get an address.

 2. What will the man do for the woman?

 A. Repair her car.

 B. Give her a ride..

 C. Pick up her aunt.

 3. Who might Mr. Peterson be?

 A. A new professor.

 B. A department head.

 C. A company director.

 4. What does the man think of the book?

 A. Quite difficult..

 B. Very interesting.

 C. Too simple.

 5. What are the speakers talking about?

 A. Weather.

 B. Clothes.

 C. News.






 6. Why is Harry unwilling to join the woman?

 A. He has a pain in his knee.. B. He wants to watch TV. C. He is too lazy.

 7. What will the woman probably do next?

 A. Stay at home. B. Take Harry to hospital. C. Do some exercise.

 听第7段材料,回答第8 、9题。

 8. When will the man be home from work?

 A. At 5:45. B. At 6:15. C. At 6:50.

 9. Where will the speakers go ?'

 A. The Green House Cinema. B. The New State Cinema . C. The UME Cinema.

 听第 8段材料,回答第 10至 12题。

 10. How will the speaker go to New York?

 A. By air. B. By taxi. C. By bus.

 11. Why are the speakers making the trip?

 A. For business.

 B. For shopping.

 C. For holiday.

 12. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

 A. Driver and passenger

 B. Husband and wife.

 C. Fellow workers.

 听第 9段材料,回答第 13至 16题。

 13. Where does this conversation probably take place?

 A. In a restaurant. B. In an office. C. In a classroom.

 14. What does John do now?

 A. He?s a trainer. B. He?s a tour guide. C. He?s a college student.

 15. How much can a new person earn for the first year?

 A. $10,500. B. $ 12,000. C. $ 15,000.

 16. How many people will the woman hire?

 A. Four. B. Three. C. Two.


 17. How long has the speaker lived in a big city?

 A. One year.

 B. Ten years.

 C. Eigh years.

 18. What is the speaker?s opinion on public transport?

 A. It?s comfortable. B. It?s time-sing. C. It?s cheap.

 19. What is good about living in a small town?

 A. It?s safer. B. It?s healthier. C. It?s more convenient.

 20. What kind of life does the speaker seem to like most?

 A. Busy. B. Colourful C. Quiet.


 1-5 ABCBA 6-10 BCACA 11-15 ACBCA 16-20CBCAB


1. 从句还原后:There was a talent show(主语) going on (谓语)(at the place) then(时间状语).

从句里面主谓和时间状语都全了,所以引导词只能做地点状语,指代the cinema。所以此题选where而不是when。如果句末的then不存在则可以选B。

2. 理由同上,从句还原后为:

Boats he been prohibited from saling around (in the place) since then.

因为有since then的时间状语,所以缺少的是地点状语where,指代a nature reserve.

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