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tamoadmin 2024-06-16 人已围观

简介1.英文录取通知书 帮忙翻译!“双录取”也就是“有条件录取”指的是:对于缺乏必要的英语考试成绩的学生可以同时发给两个“Offer”也就是两张《录取通知书》,其中一张是就读学位课程的《录取通知书》,而另外一张是就读语言的《录取通知书》。就读学位课程的《录取通知书》的生效条件是语言合格。所以就叫“有条件录取”,俗称“双录取”。 入学条件国际学生申请美国大学,除了必要的《成绩单》等申请材料以外学校会要

1.英文录取通知书 帮忙翻译!









英文录取通知书 帮忙翻译!


 This is an American comedy directed by Steve Luke. It is called Accepted.

 The lovely story takes place in a boy called Bartleby, a highschool graduates who can make false papers. But his pretty tricks didn’t help him to get an admission. And in order to have his fathers approval, he establishes a fake college called South Harmon Institute of Technology (S.H.I.T) in an abandoned mental hospital with the help of Rory, Hands and Glen, all of whom were not accepted by colleges. However, because of some misses, nearly 300 students are accepted by S.H.I.T.

 Bartleby knows the feelings of these students, so he makes them believe this is a real college and manage to have some classes in Harmon College. Then, he asks the students to write down their ideal courses and they have their classes taught by their own. Every one in S.H.I.T is happy and enjoyable.

 But finally the secret about S.H.I.T is given away. Fortunately, Bartleby get a chance to make his college become a real one. Listened by the offecials of Ohio’s educational accrediting agency, he bagins to tell the failures of traditional education and succeeds to persuade them to give S.H.I.T. a one-year trail period.

 This is really a relaxing film. No Rough Ranger, no vicissitudes. All is about are the “ridiculous” thoughts of some ordinary students. And what turly impressed me is the words Bartleby says in the end of the film:"so you can go ahead, sign your forms, reject us and shoot us down, and do whatever you gotta do. It doesn’t really matter at this point. Because we’ll never stop learning, stop growing, and we’ll never forget the ideals that were instilled in us at our place."

 It makes me think about the idea that whether going to college is the premise of our future success. Now, being accepted has lost its real value for people and became a mechanical behavior instead. We try to believe that people graduate from college are more creative and more cogitative. But what is important in the film is that students in S.H.I.T can decide their class, their grades and their roads of their lives. Rather than pursuing blindly, they let the college life fit their needs.












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