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简介1.高考英语完形填空常见短语搭配2.高考复习常用动词短语归纳(英语)3.高考英语作文必要短语有哪些4.求高考英语作文高档句,句形,精彩短语汇总5.高考复习英语常用动词短语有总的归纳吗?以下是一些高中英语常见的固定搭配和常用词:固定搭配:1、make sense:有意义,讲得通。2、break the ice:打破僵局。3、take for granted:视为理所当然。4、get along wi









1、make sense:有意义,讲得通。

2、break the ice:打破僵局。

3、take for granted:视为理所当然。

4、get along with:相处融洽。

5、in a nutshell:简而言之。

6、on the other hand:另一方面。

7、keep up with:跟上,不落后于。

8、come to terms with:接受(事实),妥协。

9、at a loss:不知所措。

10、in vain:徒劳无功。




















1. 首先,尤其重要的,最重要的 above all

2. 偶然,无意中 by accident

3. 对(于)?很积极 be active in

4. 合计为 add up to

5. 承让错误 admit one's mistake

6. 接受某人的建议 take / follow one's advice

7. 就?提出建议 give advice on

8. 建议某人做某事 advice sb. to do sth.

9. 后天 the day after tomorrow

10. 毕竟;终究 after all

11. 违心 against one's will

12. 在?岁时 at the age of

13. 实现目标 achieve one's aim

14. 在空中;悬而未决 in the air

15. 在户外,在露天里 in the open air

16. 在机场 at the airport

17. 火警 the fire alarm

18满腔怒火 be filled with anger

19因某人之言行而生气 be angry at sth.

20生某人的气 be angry with sb.


1. 意识到realize?be aware

As a member of society, I am aware that being responsible is what it takes to make a better society.

2. 即将来临 be coming soon?around the corner/ at hand

An exciting event ?Innovations(创新;革新) on Campus? is around the corner.

3. 认真地 carefully?attentively

We stood around him and watched attentively.

4. 此外 besides/what?s more? in addition/ additionally

In addition, we should learn how to get along well with others.

5. 得到 get? acquire/obtain

The moral(寓意) of the story is that we should spare no effort to acquire knowledge and never get discouraged easily no matter how difficult the situation may be.

6. 对?有好处 be good/ be helpful? be

of great benefit/be very beneficial/be rewarding

Sports are beneficial to building our bodies.

7. 改善 improve? better

Immediate actions should be taken, like stopping cutting down trees to better the environment.

8. 结果 as a result? as a consequence As a consequence, children become so reliant(依赖的;可信的) on their parents that they have no independent thought or creative ideas.

9. 令人担忧 worrying? of great concern Such a situation is of great concern.

10. 擅长;精通 be good at? have a good command of/have a good knowledge of Having been exposed to English for many years, I have a good command of English.

11. 表达 express? convey

I?m writing to convey my gratitude to you.

12. 重要 be important? count/matter What matters most in learning English is

enough practice.

13. 使某人做某事 make sb. do ?enable sb. to do

So I suppose I can get a good mark which will enable me to enter my ideal college.

14. 未能 be unable to? fail to

I failed to live up to my parents? expectations.

15. 越来越 more and more? increasingly As the world is becoming more globalized, English is becoming increasingly important.

16. 增进 build up? promote

Not only did it get us close to nature and give us relaxation from heavy schoolwork, it also promoted the friendship between us.

17. 记住 remember? keep/bear ... in mind

I will keep traffic rules in mind all the way.

18. 想到 think of? occur to

Along with your wonderful innovation, you need to hand in a report, explaining how the idea occurs to you and what materials you


19. 参加 take part in ?participate in/get involved in

Finally, we should participate in outdoor activities frequently.

20. 在我看来 in my opinion? personally speaking

Personally, it is better to see the film than to read the book in the original.


1. 通知 make an announcement

2. 相继地,按顺序地 one after another

3. 相互,彼此(三者或三者以上之间) one another

4. 相互(指两者之间) each other

5. 没有回答 give no answer

6. 为?而担心 be anxious about

7. 急于做某事 be anxious to do sth.

8. 分开住 live apart

9. 除了 apart from

10. 因某事向某人认错或道歉 make/offer an apology to sb for sth. 与某人争论某事 argue with sb. about sth.

11. 放在一边 lay sth. aside

12. 请某人指点 / 帮助 ask sb. for advice / help

13. 惊讶于? be astonished at sth.

14. 以前,曾经 at one time

15. 注意 pay attention to

16. 对?抱正确的态度 take a correct attitude towards sth. 引起(注意,兴趣等) attract one?s attention

17. 仰卧/仰泳 lie / swim on one?s back

18. 重感冒 a bad cold


#高三# 导语有很多的同学是非常的关心高考英语完形填空有哪些答题技巧的,我整理了相关信息,希望会对大家有所帮助!


1.With the help of 在~~帮助下 under the leadership / care of 在~~领导/关心下

2.be strict with sb. 对~人要求严格 be strict in sth. 对~事要求严格

3. at present=at the present time 目前 for the present 暂时

4. in the sun/sunshine 在阳光下 under the sun 在世界上

5. lie in 位于~~之内 lie on 同~~接壤 lie to 位于~~之外

6. at least 至少 in the least 丝毫,一点

7. by name 名叫 in the name of 以~~名义

8. in the air 空中,在流传 on the air 播出

9. in the way 挡路,障碍,用~~方法 in a way 在某点上,在某种程度上get one’s own way to do 随心所欲 give way 让步,屈服 lose one’s way 迷路 by the way 顺便说一下 on one’s way to 在去~~的路上 Come this way 这边走

10. at the corner 在拐角处(外角)in the corner 在角落里(内角)



break away from 脱离,逃离 break down 破坏,粉碎;瓦解;出故障,抛锚 break in 闯进,打断;使顺服 break into 闯入;强行进入;突然开始 break out 爆发,发生;准备使用;起锚 break the law 违反法律 break the record 破记录 break one’s promise 失言 break up 开垦,破碎;解散,分开,分解


be caught doing 被发现做某事 be caught in the rain 淋雨 catch a bus/train 赶汽车/火车 catch a cold 伤风,感冒 catch one’s word 听懂某人的话 catch sight of 发现,瞥见 catch up with 赶上,追及,追上


come across 偶尔发现,想起;越过;偿付 come along 一道来,陪伴;进步,进展;出现 come at 达到,求得,得到;扑向,袭击 come back 回来;恢复,复原 come down 倒下;降落;跌落;病倒 come from 来自,起源于,从~~产生,生于 come in 进来,进入;流行起来;获名次 come into being 发生,产生,出现,形成 come into power 开始执政,当权,当选 come into use 开始使用,获得应用 come on 上演;开始;赶快;发展;登台;(问题)被提出 come to know 开始了解到 come out 出来,传出;出版;结果是;褪色;(秘密)泄露 come to 苏醒,复原;共计;达到;归结于 come to an end 终止,结束 come true 实现,成为现实;证实 come up 走近;上楼;长出,发芽


be done in 精疲力竭 be done with 完全结束 do a good deed 做一件好事 do away with 去掉,废除;弄死;浪费 do good to (=do sb. good) 有益于 do harm to (=do sb. good) 有害于 do its work 有效,有作用 do much 极有用 do wrong to 做错 do one’s best 尽某人努力 do one’s homework 做作业 do one’s utmost 尽力而为 do proud 足以使~~骄傲 do sb. justice 公平对待某人 do some cleaning (V+ing,etc.) 搞卫生 do sb. a favor 帮助某人 do well in 学得不错,干得漂亮 do with 和~~相处,忍受,处理 do without 不需要,不用 do wonders 创造奇迹 have much to do with 和~~很有关系 have nothing to do with 与~~无关 have something to do with 和~~有关 in doing so=in so doing 这时,在这种情况下 That will do. 行了;够了










  speak/talk about 谈论   think about 思考

  care about 关心,对……有兴趣 bring about 引起,使发生

  set about 着手,开始    come about 发生

  hear about 听说 worry about 为……担心


  throw away 扔掉       blow away 吹走

  carry away 拿走,使入迷   clear away 清除掉,消散

  die away 逐渐消失,减弱   pass away 去世

  wash away 冲走         take away 拿走,使消失

  put away 收拾起来,存起来  give away 背弃,泄漏,赠送

  wear away 磨掉,消耗     break away 摆脱

  send away 让走开       turn away 把……打发走


  keep back 隐瞒,忍住     look back(on) 回顾

  hold back 控制住       give back 归还

  call back 回电话       take back 拿回,收回


  run for 竞选         ask for 要求得到

  wait for 等候          stand for 代表,表示

  long for 渴望        hope/wish for 希望得到

  care for 关心,喜欢     beg for 乞求

  search for 查找       look for 寻找

  call for 需要,要求     hunt for 寻找

  change…for 用……换    charge…for 收费,要价

  apply for 申请 take…for 误以为……是

  seek for 寻找       come for 来拿,来取5.动词+down

  burn down 烧毁       break down 坏了,垮了,分解

  take down 记下,记录    turn down 调小,拒绝

  cut down 削减,砍倒    slow down 慢下来

  pass down 传下来      put down 记下,写下,镇压

  calm down 平静下来     bring down 使……降低,使倒下

  settle down 安家     come down 下落,传下

  tear down 拆毁,拆除


  come at 向……袭击     shout at 冲(某人)嚷嚷

  run at 冲向,向……攻击  work at 干……活动(研究)

  tear at 用力撕       look at 看,注视

  stare at 凝视        glare at 怒视

  glance at 匆匆一瞥      laugh at 嘲笑

  knock at 敲(门、窗等)    point at 指向

  smile at 冲(某人)笑    strike at 向……打击

  aim at 向……瞄准     shoot at 向……射击

  wonder at 惊讶      call at 拜访(地点)


  differ from 与……不同     suffer from 受……苦

  hear from 收到……来信    die from 因……而死

  keep/stop/prevent…from阻止…… learn from 向……学习

result from 由于 date from 始于……时期 

separate…from 把……分离开


  think of 想到 dream of 梦到

  consist of 由……组成     speak of 谈到

  approve of 赞成        die of 死于

  talk of 谈到         hear of 听说

  complain of 抱怨       become of 发生……情况,怎么啦


  start off 出发 set off 出发

  leave off 中断    show off 炫耀

  get off 下车     take off 脱下,起飞

  see off 送行     ring off 挂断电话

  put off 延期,推迟    come off 脱落,褪色

  cut off 切断,断绝     fall off 跌落,掉下

  keep off 避开,勿走近    go off 消失;坏了,爆炸,不喜欢

  knock…off 把……撞落   break off 打断

  pay off 还清        carry off 携走带走,赢得

  get off 脱下(衣服等)     give off 散发出

  turn(switch) off 关掉


depend on 依靠       rely on 依靠

insist on 坚持       carry on 继续,进行

keep/go on 继续       spend…on 在……花钱

put on 穿上,戴上,上演    call on 拜访

move on 继续移动,往前走   live on 以……为生

feed on 以……为生      bring on 使……发展

take on 雇用,呈现(新面貌等) try on 试穿

have on 穿着        pass on 传授,传递

look on 旁观        turn(switch) on 打开


break out 爆发 point out 指出

pick out 选出 figure out 算出,理解

burst out 进发 bring out 阐明,使表现出

carry out 执行,进行 help out 救助

hold out 坚持下去 set out 出发,着手,摆放

wear out 穿破,使……疲劳 turn out 结果是,生产,培养

make out 理解,看清楚 come out 出版,出来

cross out 划掉 leave out 省略,删掉

keep out(of) 使不进入,挡住 work out 算出,想出办法等

find out 查出,弄明白 give out 散发,分发,用完

try out 试用,试验 look out 当心,提防

put out 扑灭 speak out 大胆讲出

hand out 散发 send out 发出,派遣

run out 用完 go out 熄灭

 let out 泄漏,发出(声音),出租 die out 灭绝


give in 让步 hand in 上交

bring in 引进,使得到收入 drop in 拜访

result in 导致 succeed in 在……获成功

join in 参加 take in 接纳,吸收,改小

get in 收获,进入 break in 强制进入,插话

fill in 填写 call in 召集,来访

cut in 插入 persist in 坚持

look in 来访,参观


look into 研究,调查 turn into 变成

burst into 闯入,进发 divide…into 把……分成

change…into 把……变成 put/translate…into 把……译成

run into碰到 send sb to/into sleep 使进入状态


turn over 翻倒,细想 think over 仔细考虑

go over 审阅,检查,研究 look over 翻阅,检查

get over 克服 run over 压死,看一遍

take over 接管,接替 watch over 看守,照看

fall over 跌倒,摔倒 roll over 翻滚


belong to 属于 object to 反对

refer to 谈到,涉及,参阅 point to 指向

turn to 向……求助,查阅 stick/hold/keep to 坚持,忠于

see to 处理,料理 come to 共计,苏醒

reply to 答复 get to 到达

bring to 使苏醒把……比作 compare…to 与…相比;把…比作

agree to 同意 write to 写信给

supply…to 为……提供 lead to 导致,通向

add to 增添 attend to 处理,专心,照料

devote…to 贡献给


grow up 成长,长大 give up 放弃,献出

build up 建立 set up 架起、建立

put up 搭起,架起,安装,住宿,张贴,盖起

do up 整理,包装,打扮

go up 增长,上涨get up 起床,站起

pick up 拾起,学会,用车,来接,收听到

bring up 抚养,呕吐,提出 出现

turn up 开大(音量等),出席

stay up 挺住,熬夜

take up 开始学,从事,占据

sit up 熬夜 eat up 吃完

use up 用完 tear up 撕碎

lay up 储存 make up构成,组成 编造 弥补

cut up 切碎 join up 联结起来,参军

end up 总结 come up 上来,长出,出现

speed up 加快速度 throw up 呕吐

clear up 整理,收拾,放晴 look up 查找,找出

bum up 烧毁 catch up 赶上

hurry up 赶快 fix up 修理,安排,装置

keep up 保持 hold up 耽搁,使停顿

send up 发射 ring up 打电话

open up 开创,开辟 divide up 分配

break up 分解


get through 通过,干完,接通电话

look through 翻阅,看一遍,仔细查看

go through 审阅,检查,学习

put…through 接通电话 see through 识破

check through 核对 pull through 渡过危机,康复


deal with 处理,对付 do with 处理,需要

meet with 遇到,遭受 talk with 同……交谈

agree with 同意,与……一致 compare with 与……相比

combine with 与……相联合 equip…with 以……装备

cover…with 用……覆盖 begin with 以……开始

end up with 以……结束 supply…with 以……供给

provide…with 以……供给 play with 玩,玩弄


add up to 总计 break away from 摆脱

keep away from 避开,别靠近 do away with 废除

look down on 轻视 look up to 仰望,尊敬

put up with 忍受 catch up with 赶上

keep up with 赶上 run out of 用完

make up for 弥补 go on with 继续

get on(along) with 和……相处 look forward to 盼望

get close to 接近 take hold of 握住

get out of 逃避,避免 get down to 认真开始

set fire to 放火烧 pay attention to 注意

take notice of 注意 set an example to 为……榜样

do well in 在……干得好 pay a visit to 访问

take a photo of 拍……照片 take the place of 取代


1.On the contrary


2.A and B are different in many ways。


3.There're always two sides to a thing.


4.when it comes to sth.,It's a matter of taste that varies from person to person.


5.Sb. take sth. for granted,while others hold that


6.Mixed with such advantages is a growing awareness of the disadvantages


7.In sharp contrast to sth,


8.In summary, sth'll bring us great benefits but we should also try to avoid its bad effect at the same time.


9.Opinions are divided on question


10.It‘s my opinion that we should place sth before other things



1.The course of life never runs smooth, for there are so many ups and downs,twists and turns.


2.There are three things never back: the shot arrow ,the spoken words,and spent days.


3.Sth(Virture),as a precious stone, is brighter against plain background.


4In the face of difficulties,shallenges and illness, we mustn't give in,we should trained ourself an iron-willed person,


5. Sb.(sth),like a shining star,shines in my path of success

某人(某物、某事)就像一颗闪耀的星星,照耀着我成功的道路。 (写人、或者物给自己的鼓励)

6.If a person goes after superficial things constantly,he or she may pay for his or her stupidity.


7.Time is very precious,Remember that time wait for no man.


8.On the way of life,we‘re walking hand in hand to the bright future.


9.Sth(education) alone is not sufficient. It should go side by side with sth.(morality)


10.Finally I want to use the following words as our mutual encouragement.“......"






1. 开拓视野 broaden th horizon

2. 保护环境 protect the environment

3. 放松身心 relax oneself

4. 跟上时代 keep up with the times

5. 关心社会 be concerned about the society

6. 美化环境 beautify the environment

7. 保护环境 protect the environment

8. 提升生活质量 improve the qualities of life

9. 提升生活水平 improve the standard of living

10. 对---有益 be benefical to

11. 对---有害 be harmful to/do harm to

12. 防止污染 prevent the pollution

13. 有很深了解 have a deep understanding of

14. 英文很好 have a good command of

15. 有广泛知识 have a wide range of knowledge

16. 参加课外活动 dake part in the club activities

17. 尽力所为 tdo what one can to de sth

18. 给人深刻印象 make a dep impression on

19. 扮演重要角色 play an important part/role in

20. 有---才能 have a talent/gift for

21. 有积极影响 have a positive effect on

22. 接受教育 receive education

23. 采取措施 take measures to do

24. 把握机会 seize the opportunity

25. 实现目标 achieve the aim

26. 服从校规 follow/obey the school rules

27. 遇到交通阻塞 be caught in the traffic jams

28. 养成---习惯 form the habit of doing

29. 不遗余力 spare no efforts to do

30. 增加生活乐趣 increase the pleasures of life

31. 解除紧张和焦虑 relieve the tension and anxiety

32. 感到振奋 be encouraged/inspired

33. 贡献国家 contribute oneself to the country

34. 取得进步 make progress in

35. 盼望 look forward to doing

36. 不胜感激 I’d appreciate it

37. 毫无疑问 There is do doubt that

38. 陶冶品德 cultivate the character

39. 种植树木 plant/grow trees

40. 树立楷模 set a good example

41. 满足需要 meet the demands

42. 随着---的发展 with the development of

43. Opinions on this matter vary from person to person.

44. Everything has two sides and ---is not exception.

45. The reasons are as follows

46. I’m strongly in favor of---.

47. I (don’t) think it necessary/reasonable to do---.

48. Compared to/with the letter, e-mail is more convenient/has more advantages.

49. According to the figure/chart, it can be seen thar---.根据数字/图表可以看出

50. With all the reasons/opinions mentioned above,---


1. 举例:for example, such as, that it to say, take ---as an example

2. 因果:thanks to, because of, owing to, as a result, thus, therefore

3. 补充/递进:in the first place,to start with, first and foremost, besides, in addition, moreover, what’s more, furthermore

4. 并列:not only--- but also, as well as, including

5. 对比:for one thing---for another, on one one hand---on the other hand, however, nevertheless

6. 结论:in conclusion, in a word, to conclude, Last but not the least, to sum up, in brief

7. 个人看法:in my opinion, from my point of view, as far as I’m concerned

l.动词+about\x0d\  speak/talk about 谈论   think about 思考\x0d\  care about 关心,对?有兴趣 bring about 引起,使发生\x0d\  set about 着手,开始    come about 发生\x0d\  hear about 听说 worry about 为?担心\x0d\2.动词+away\x0d\  throw away 扔掉       blow away 吹走\x0d\  carry away 拿走,使入迷   clear away 清除掉,消散\x0d\  die away 逐渐消失,减弱   pass away 去世\x0d\  wash away 冲走         take away 拿走,使消失\x0d\  put away 收拾起来,存起来  give away 背弃,泄漏,赠送\x0d\  wear away 磨掉,消耗     break away 摆脱\x0d\  send away 让走开       turn away 把?打发走\x0d\3.动词+back\x0d\  keep back 隐瞒,忍住     look back(on) 回顾\x0d\  hold back 控制住       give back 归还\x0d\  call back 回电话       take back 拿回,收回\x0d\4.动词+for \x0d\  run for 竞选         ask for 要求得到\x0d\  wait for 等候          stand for 代表,表示\x0d\  long for 渴望        hope/wish for 希望得到\x0d\  care for 关心,喜欢     beg for 乞求\x0d\  search for 查找       look for 寻找\x0d\  call for 需要,要求     hunt for 寻找\x0d\  change?for 用?换    charge?for 收费,要价\x0d\  apply for 申请 take?for 误以为?是\x0d\  seek for 寻找       come for 来拿,来取5.动词+down\x0d\  burn down 烧毁       break down 坏了,垮了,分解\x0d\  take down 记下,记录    turn down 调小,拒绝\x0d\  cut down 削减,砍倒    slow down 慢下来\x0d\  pass down 传下来      put down 记下,写下,镇压\x0d\  calm down 平静下来     bring down 使?降低,使倒下\x0d\  settle down 安家     come down 下落,传下\x0d\  tear down 拆毁,拆除\x0d\6.动词+at\x0d\  come at 向?袭击     shout at 冲(某人)嚷嚷\x0d\  run at 冲向,向?攻击  work at 干?活动(研究)\x0d\  tear at 用力撕       look at 看,注视\x0d\  stare at 凝视        glare at 怒视\x0d\  glance at 匆匆一瞥      laugh at 嘲笑\x0d\  knock at 敲(门、窗等)    point at 指向\x0d\  smile at 冲(某人)笑    strike at 向?打击\x0d\  aim at 向?瞄准     shoot at 向?射击\x0d\  wonder at 惊讶      call at 拜访(地点)\x0d\7.动词+from\x0d\  differ from 与?不同     suffer from 受?苦\x0d\  hear from 收到?来信    die from 因?而死\x0d\  keep/stop/prevent?from阻止? learn from 向?学习 \x0d\ result from 由于 date from 始于?时期 \x0d\ separate?from 把?分离开 \x0d\8.动词+of\x0d\  think of 想到 dream of 梦到\x0d\  consist of 由?组成     speak of 谈到\x0d\  approve of 赞成        die of 死于\x0d\  talk of 谈到         hear of 听说\x0d\  complain of 抱怨       become of 发生?情况,怎么啦\x0d\9.动词+off\x0d\  start off 出发 set off 出发\x0d\  leave off 中断    show off 炫耀\x0d\  get off 下车     take off 脱下,起飞\x0d\  see off 送行     ring off 挂断电话\x0d\  put off 延期,推迟    come off 脱落,褪色\x0d\  cut off 切断,断绝     fall off 跌落,掉下\x0d\  keep off 避开,勿走近    go off 消失;坏了,爆炸,不喜欢\x0d\  knock?off 把?撞落   break off 打断\x0d\  pay off 还清        carry off 携走带走,赢得\x0d\  get off 脱下(衣服等)     give off 散发出\x0d\  turn(switch) off 关掉\x0d\10.动词+on\x0d\  depend on 依靠       rely on 依靠\x0d\  insist on 坚持       carry on 继续,进行\x0d\  keep/go on 继续       spend?on 在?花钱\x0d\  put on 穿上,戴上,上演    call on 拜访\x0d\  move on 继续移动,往前走   live on 以?为生\x0d\  feed on 以?为生      bring on 使?发展\x0d\  take on 雇用,呈现(新面貌等) try on 试穿\x0d\  have on 穿着        pass on 传授,传递\x0d\  look on 旁观        turn(switch) on 打开\x0d\11.动词+out\x0d\  break out 爆发 point out 指出\x0d\  pick out 选出 figure out 算出,理解\x0d\  burst out 进发 bring out 阐明,使表现出\x0d\  carry out 执行,进行 help out 救助\x0d\  hold out 坚持下去 set out 出发,着手,摆放\x0d\  wear out 穿破,使?疲劳 turn out 结果是,生产,培养\x0d\  make out 理解,看清楚 come out 出版,出来\x0d\  cross out 划掉 leave out 省略,删掉\x0d\  keep out(of) 使不进入,挡住 work out 算出,想出办法等\x0d\  find out 查出,弄明白 give out 散发,分发,用完\x0d\  try out 试用,试验 look out 当心,提防\x0d\  put out 扑灭 speak out 大胆讲出\x0d\  hand out 散发 send out 发出,派遣\x0d\ run out 用完 go out 熄灭\x0d\ let out 泄漏,发出(声音),出租 die out 灭绝\x0d\12.动词十in\x0d\  give in 让步 hand in 上交\x0d\  bring in 引进,使得到收入 drop in 拜访\x0d\result in 导致 succeed in 在?获成功\x0d\  join in 参加 take in 接纳,吸收,改小\x0d\  get in 收获,进入 break in 强制进入,插话\x0d\  fill in 填写 call in 召集,来访\x0d\  cut in 插入 persist in 坚持\x0d\  look in 来访,参观\x0d\13.动词十into\x0d\  look into 研究,调查 turn into 变成\x0d\  burst into 闯入,进发 divide?into 把?分成\x0d\  change?into 把?变成 put/translate?into 把?译成\x0d\  run into碰到 send sb to/into sleep 使进入状态\x0d\14.动词+over\x0d\  turn over 翻倒,细想 think over 仔细考虑\x0d\  go over 审阅,检查,研究 look over 翻阅,检查\x0d\  get over 克服 run over 压死,看一遍\x0d\  take over 接管,接替 watch over 看守,照看\x0d\  fall over 跌倒,摔倒 roll over 翻滚\x0d\15.动词十to\x0d\  belong to 属于 object to 反对\x0d\  refer to 谈到,涉及,参阅 point to 指向\x0d\  turn to 向?求助,查阅 stick/hold/keep to 坚持,忠于\x0d\  see to 处理,料理 come to 共计,苏醒\x0d\  reply to 答复 get to 到达\x0d\  bring to 使苏醒把?比作 compare?to 与?相比;把?比作\x0d\  agree to 同意 write to 写信给\x0d\  supply?to 为?提供 lead to 导致,通向\x0d\  add to 增添 attend to 处理,专心,照料\x0d\  devote?to 贡献给\x0d\16.动词+up\x0d\  grow up 成长,长大 give up 放弃,献出\x0d\  build up 建立 set up 架起、建立\x0d\  put up 搭起,架起,安装,住宿,张贴,盖起\x0d\ do up 整理,包装,打扮 \x0d\  go up 增长,上涨get up 起床,站起 \x0d\ pick up 拾起,学会,用车,来接,收听到\x0d\  bring up 抚养,呕吐,提出 出现\x0d\ turn up 开大(音量等),出席\x0d\ stay up 挺住,熬夜\x0d\ take up 开始学,从事,占据\x0d\sit up 熬夜 eat up 吃完\x0d\  use up 用完 tear up 撕碎\x0d\  lay up 储存 make up构成,组成 编造 弥补\x0d\ cut up 切碎 join up 联结起来,参军\x0d\  end up 总结 come up 上来,长出,出现\x0d\  speed up 加快速度 throw up 呕吐\x0d\  clear up 整理,收拾,放晴 look up 查找,找出\x0d\  bum up 烧毁 catch up 赶上\x0d\  hurry up 赶快 fix up 修理,安排,装置\x0d\  keep up 保持 hold up 耽搁,使停顿\x0d\  send up 发射 ring up 打电话\x0d\  open up 开创,开辟 divide up 分配\x0d\  break up 分解\x0d\17.动词十through\x0d\  get through 通过,干完,接通电话 \x0d\ look through 翻阅,看一遍,仔细查看\x0d\  go through 审阅,检查,学习 \x0d\ put?through 接通电话 see through 识破 \x0d\ check through 核对 pull through 渡过危机,康复\x0d\18.动词+with\x0d\  deal with 处理,对付 do with 处理,需要\x0d\  meet with 遇到,遭受 talk with 同?交谈\x0d\  agree with 同意,与?一致 compare with 与?相比\x0d\  combine with 与?相联合 equip?with 以?装备\x0d\  cover?with 用?覆盖 begin with 以?开始\x0d\  end up with 以?结束 supply?with 以?供给\x0d\  provide?with 以?供给 play with 玩,玩弄\x0d\19.三词以上的短语动词\x0d\  add up to 总计 break away from 摆脱\x0d\  keep away from 避开,别靠近 do away with 废除\x0d\  look down on 轻视 look up to 仰望,尊敬\x0d\  put up with 忍受 catch up with 赶上\x0d\  keep up with 赶上 run out of 用完\x0d\  make up for 弥补 go on with 继续\x0d\  get on(along) with 和?相处 look forward to 盼望\x0d\  get close to 接近 take hold of 握住\x0d\  get out of 逃避,避免 get down to 认真开始\x0d\  set fire to 放火烧 pay attention to 注意\x0d\  take notice of 注意 set an example to 为?榜样\x0d\  do well in 在?干得好 pay a visit to 访问\x0d\take a photo of 拍?照片 take the place of 取代

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