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tamoadmin 2024-05-22 人已围观

简介A篇 People faint when the normal blood SUPPLIED (过去分词做定语,表被动,“供应给脑部的血液”)to the brain suddenly cut down.This (正确)can happen if they are SURPRISED by sudden (surprised“惊讶的”surprising“令人惊讶的”)news or by s



People faint when the normal blood SUPPLIED


to the brain suddenly cut down.This (正确)

can happen if they are SURPRISED by sudden


news or by something they see.If (去掉it)

(定语从句,原为something that they see,省略了see的宾语that)

a person faints while standing,LAY him




down.If his face IS pale,lift his


feet.If he's sitting while he (去掉down)

(sit down,“坐下”,是短暂动作;sit,“坐着”,是状态)

faints,place HIS head between his


knees.Untie any tight clothing that might stop him BREATHING castly. Place a

(动词短语:stop sb. (from) doing sth.,“阻止某人做某事”)

cold ,wet cloth on his forehead if POSSIBLE.

(固定短语:if possible,原为:if it is possible,系动词is后应用形容词,不可以用副词possibly)


1.Different countries HAVE different body languages.For


2.example,in Russia,FRANCE and Arab countries PEOPLE kiss (此句有问题,2处错误。kiss前少一主语)


3.each other when they MEET,but men in China or Australia shake hands instead of


4.kissing.People in Pueto Rico like touching,WHILE/BUT


5.people in Britain do not touch each other.People in Arab countries like (正确)

6.standing close TO one another when they are talking,but

(close to,“靠近”)

7.English people must keep A distance away when they are

(a distance,“一定的距离”)

8.talking.When you use a foreign language,it is very important to know (去掉not)


9.the meanings of gestures and MOVEMENTS in the foreign country.


10.FOLLOWING the customs will make your stay there much more PLEASANT and comfortable.(2处错误)

(Following the customs做主语,应用follow的动名词形式;

make + sth.+adj.,使用形容词做make的宾补,不可以用副词pleasantly)


76. to

77. mean→meant

78. and→but

79. hold→held

80. turned the corner

81. √

82. going→go

83. here→there

84. hour→hours

85. were→was

文章标签: # the # 高考 # they