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tamoadmin 2024-05-21 人已围观

简介1.用较高级词汇替换第一反应词: 在写作的过程中,很多考生习惯第一反应想到哪个单词就使用哪个单词,比如谈到“好”就是good,而第一反应词往往是比较简单的,甚至不适合书面语言,所以千万别一想到某个简单而顺手的词就立刻下笔,而是思考它的同义词。思考后考生会得到4到5个同义词,这里的任意一个词都可能会比你想的第一个词复杂些。通常考生想到的第一个词是平时使用较多的词,也是比较简单表意比较笼统的词,所以





在中文中习惯“求同不求异”,所以我们习惯用同一个词来强调某一个概念,而在英文中正相反----“求异不求同”,所以就要学会用不同的词来表示同一个概念。比如:好的:就可以用positive, favorable, rosy (美好的),promising (有希望的),perfect, pleasurable , excellent, outstanding, superior替换good。





表层次:first , second , third ; firstly , secondly , thirdly ;to begin with , further,

in the first place , to start with , still , furthermore ; what’s more , last , but , not the least , also , and then , next , besides , and equally important too,moreover , besides , in addition , finally

表转折:by contrast;although ; though ; yet ; at the same time ; but ; despite the fact that;even so ; in contrast ; nevertheless ; even though ; for all that ; notwithstanding ; on the other hand ; otherwise ; instead ; still;regardless

表因果:therefore ; consequently ; because of ; for this reason ; thus ; hence ; due to ; owing to ; so ; accordingly ; thanks to ; on this account ; since ; as ; on that account; in this way ; for ; as a result ; as a consequence

表让步:still ; nevertheless ; granted ; naturally; in spite of ; all the same ;

of course ; despite ; even so ; after all

表递进:furthermore ; moreover ; likewise;what is more ; besides ; also ; In addition

表举例:for example ; for instance ; for one thing ; that is to illustrate

表解释:As a matter of fact ; Frankly speaking ; In this case ; namely ; In other words

表总结:In summary ; in a word ; thus ; in brief ; In conclusion ; all together ; to conclude ; In fact ; finally ; in simpler terms ; indeed ; In short ; in particular ; on the whole ; Namely ; in all ; therefore ; to summarize

表比较:in comparison;likewise ; however ; like ; similarly ; equally ; in the same way

表时间:After a while ; afterward ; next ; now ; Again and then ; presently ; as long as ;Shortly ; simultaneously ; at length ; At that time ; since ; so far ; before ; earlier ; soon ; still ; eventually ; subsequently ; then ; formerly ; thereafter ; In the past ; until now ; meanwhile ; lately

表强调:Of course ; indeed ; surely ; As a matter of fact ; above all ; Most important ; in particular ; That is to say ; certainly ; in fact ; Anyway ; in this case ; naturally ; Obviously ; no doubt ; actually ; clearly



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