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简介1.语法填空的《高中英语语法填空专项训练》(全国卷)2.高考英语语法填空比较级知识点与强化训练题3.语法填空的《高中英语语法填空专项训练》(上海卷)4.高中英语语法填空必备技巧5.求高中英语语法填空6.高考英语语法填空技巧整理17题填A,与其后的student构成主语A student。填for的话整个句子就没有主语了。21题参加比赛的是学生,填代词they,it指物。23题因为老师的工作好坏是由








17题填A,与其后的student构成主语A student。填for的话整个句子就没有主语了。



25题favor sb. with sth. 短语是满足某人某事






例1:There are many students living at school, the__(child)houses are all far from school.



例2:Atalk__(give)tomorrow is written by Professor Zhang.

句is整句谓语,所横线所词应用作非谓语.tomorrow看,报告作,故用定式;且报告give作承受者,故判断横线所处用give定式式——to be given.

技巧三:代词形式变化.代词形式变化通与称变化关三类五类,即称代词(主格宾格)、物主代词(形容词性名词性)、反身代词.另外几定代词形式变化,no one/none、other/another等.

例3:The king decided to see the painter by__(he).



例4:I am__(tall)than Liu Wen. He is the tallest students in my class.

题句交代Liu Wen班高,我肯定比矮,所能用taller,能用表示程度less tall.


例5:To my three sons I leave my seventeen horses. My eldest son shall take a half, my second son shall take a__(three)

文连续起理解,马计划,a half,半或二,二应该三,所要填作母序数词third才能命目标.


例6:Lious lost his wallet yesterday, so he was very__(happiness).













 比较级(Comparative Form)就是将二者进行比较产生的词形,是由形容词原级转化而来,一般是在原级后面加er,也有一些不规则的转化,比如good?better,bad?worse,有很多。相对二者的比较,还有三者及以上的比较,这时就产生了最高级。我在这里整理了相关资料,希望能帮助到您。


 [vip]"比较级 + and + 比较级"


 The days are getting longer and longer.白天越来越长了。

 He is becoming more and more interested in sports. 他对运动越来越有兴趣了。

 The more the more 的用法


 The harder you work,the more you Will learn.你越努力,就越学得多。

 The greater the mass of a body,the greater is its inertia.物体的质量越大,它的惯性就越大。

 The more you eat,the fatter you get.你吃得越多,长得越胖。

 The more,the better.越多越好。

 more than和less than


 There are more than three hundred households in this village.这个村子有三百多户人家。

 The finished the Work in less than a year.他们不到一年就完成这项工作。

 Our country has established diplomatic relations with more than one hundred countries.我国已经和一百多个国家建立了外交关系。

 no more than和not more than

 no more than的意思是"只不过",not more than的意思是"不多于"。试比较:

 There are no more than ten tickles left. 剩下不到十张票。 (有"票少"的含义)

 The experiment was done by not more than 5 persons. 做这个试验的人不到五个。(没有"多"或"少"的含义,只是客观地说明数目)

 This room is no bigger than that. 这个房间并不比那个大。 (有"两个房间都不大"的含义)

 This room is not bigger than that one.这个房间不比那个大。 (没有"两个房间都不大或都不小"的含义)

 [注]注意not ?. Any more than或no more...than在下面句子中的用法。如:

 They cannot do the impossible any more than we can.他们和我们同样不能做不可能的事情。

 He is no more diligent than I am.他和我同样不勤奋

 no less than和not 1ess than

 no less than的意思是"不亚于",not less than的意思是"不少于"。试比较:

 There were no less than a thousand people at the meeting.


 There were not less than one thousand people at the meeting.


 This song is no less popular than that one.这首歌之受欢迎不亚于那首歌。(有"两首歌都受欢迎"的含义)

 This song is not less popular than that one.这首歌受欢迎的程度不比那首差。(纯粹比较。不一定有"两首歌都受欢迎"的含义)

 All the better和so much the better


 If that is so,all the better.果真如此,那就更好。

 If he will come,so much the better.如果他愿意来,那更好。


 1. _____ in thought while looking at the picture, she didn?t hear the knock at the door.

 A. LosingB. LostC. To loseD. To be lost

 2. About 800,000 employees were forced to stay at home without _____ during the government


 A. being paid B. paid C. payingD. to be paid

 3. Sometimes you see a small thing to one side of you, which seems _____ if you turn your head

 in its direction.

 A. disappeared B. disappearing C. to be disappear D. to disappear

 4. _____ in the sun for such a long time, the photo turned yellow.

 A. Being exposedB. Having exposed

 C. ExposingD. Having been exposed

 5.According to the program of transforming Mars, by the year 2185 cities _____ on Mars.

 A. will have establishedB. will have been established

 C. will establishD. will be established

 6.He is wearing a pair of glasses with a mini-camera _____ in the frame recording everything he sees.

 A. hiddenB. being hiddenC. hidingD. which hides

 7.Jerry doesn't have much free time and he really wants to learn something, so I suggest him _____ e-learning.

 A. to tryingB. to tryC. should tryD. trying

 8.On Oct 15, 2003, China became the third country _____ a man into space, after US and Russia.

 A. sendingB. to sendC. to have sentD. having sent

 9.Red Planet is a 2000 science fiction film about transforming Mars. _____ on 10 November 2000, it was a critical and commercial failure.

 A. ReleasedB. Being releasedC. Having releasedD. It was released

 10 ______ that he was in great danger, Eric walked deeper into the forest.

 A. Not realize B. Not to realize

 C. Not realizing D. Not having realized

 11. Fishing boats with huge nets sometimes take too many of the same species of fish from a small area, ______ some ocean waters to be over-fished.

 A. caused B. to have caused

 C. to causeD. causing

 12. Having lost her job and not having any children to care about her, the poor old lady was reduced ____________ to make a living.















动词的考察点很多,有谓语的形式(时态、语态、语气),非谓语的形式(动名词、现在分词、不定式、过去分词)。很多同学在动词这块容易犯错。要通过对 句子 的分析,看空格处的动词是做谓语还是非谓语,再判断用形式变化。


代词有人称代词(主格和宾格)、物主代词(形容词和名词性)以及反身代词,还有一点就是注意几个不定代词的形式变化(noone/none、other\another等)。代词形式变化需要联系句子意思或者是 文章 整体考虑。



固定 短语






冰冻三尺非一日之寒, 学习英语 还需持之以恒才行。









work hard(修饰动词work);

very beautiful(修饰形容词beautiful);

Personally,I believe learning English is of great importance.





a huge family(做定语修饰family)

let's get started.(做系动词get的表语)

She is kind.(做系动词is的表语)






The old are watching TV.







一、浏览全文 把握语篇


二、边读边填 先易后难

在通读全文,基本了解文章大意之后,就可以动手填空了。填空的过程是一个判断空白处应填词语的“语义”(已给出词语的除外)和正确的语法“形式”的思维过程。遇到一时想不起来的空,先跳过去,等检查时再仔细对付,不要用太多的时间停留 在一个单词上。

三、验证复查 清除难点

有时间的话,进行复查是必要的。复查的 方法 是:将所有答案“填进”短文并进行通读,以最后确定答案。



★ 高中英语考试语法填空技巧有哪些

★ 英语语法填空12个得分技巧改错秘籍

★ 高二英语怎么提高的方法

★ 高三的英语答题技巧

★ 高三英语学习方法和技巧大全

★ 高考英语所有题型解题技巧全攻略(6)

★ 要理清高中英语的五大脉络有哪些

★ 高中英语语法专题名词性从句常见搭配

★ 高一英语学习方法梳理


Passage 1

We may look at the world around us, but somehow we manage not to see it 31 whatever we've become used to suddenly 31 (disappear). Take, for example, the neatly-dressed woman I used to see.

For three years, no matter 33 the weather was like, she was always waiting at the bus stop around 8:00 am. On 34 (snow) days, she wore heavy clothes and a pair of woolen gloves. Of course I remember all 35 only after she was seen 36 more .It was 37 that I realized how much 1 expected to see her each morning.

“Did she have an accident? Something 38 " I thought to myself about her disappearance. Now that she was gone, I felt I 39 (know) her. I began to realize that part of our daily life probably includes such chance meetings 40 familiar strangers: the milkman you see at dawn, and the twin brothers you see at the library. Such people are important markers in our lives.They add weight to our sense of place and belonging.

Keys: 31.until 32.disappears 33.what 34.snowy 35.this 36.no 37.then 38.worse 39.had known 40.with

Passage 2

In France most of the people want to have a very long time for lunch. In Britain it doesn't seem to be important 31people take a cup of tea and a very quick sandwich and it's OK.

Another very 32 (surprise) thing for the foreigner is the way the people obey the law -you seem to have much more discipline 33 in France, and you respect the police 34 more than we do. For instance, people park their car 35, and they know it is forbidden 36 they do it -in Britain people don't do that.

In England it's 37 (easy) to feel alone.People don't bother you, don't look after you or worry38 you so much, so it's easy to get lost or to hide away here.When you're in the United States people want to know 39 you are, they tend to speak to you, to find out who you are,40 you're doing.

Keys: 31.because 32.surprising 33.than 34.much 35.everywhere 36.but

37.easier 38.about 39.who 40.what

Passage 3

A guest comes up to Mrs. Dale, the Duty Manager, tellihg her 31 (anger) about the Hall Porter's Department. Since there are 32 guests present, the Duty Manager invites the guest to come to her office 33 (talk) things over.

The guest says that the Hall Porter yesterday 34 (promise) to get theatre tickets 35 a show in the city.He says that today, 36 he went to collect the tickets there was 37 porter on duty. The porter could not find any tickets for the guest, and could not find any record of the request 38 tickets. It seems that the porter on duty today did not believe 39 the guest had made any request for tickets. The guest says that the tickets were promised, that he has planned to go to the theatre that night, and that it is the 40 (hotel)job to provide the tickets.

Keys: 31.angrily 32.other 33.to talk 34.promised 35. for 36. when

37. another 38.for 39.that 40. hotel's

Passage 4

Young person should travel not only to find out about the present 31 to find out about the future. A grand tour today should be the opposite of 32 it was in the past. It should not include museums, castles and ruins. It should go 33 human life is, to places that throw you images of the future. It should not be an escape of 34 (real)but a challenge with 35.

Young people of today should go to the wildest, farthest, poor place they can think of. They should go to the wild places of Asia, Africa, and South America. Young people should go to 36 many such places as they can, 37 these places are closing up and in time they'll become impossible.

The other area young people should travel 38 is the same sort of area within their own country,places that are a kind of 39 (know) land,40 as the Congo Basin.

Keys: 31.but. 32.what 33.where 34. reality 35.it 36.as 37.because 38.to

39 unknown.40.such

Passage 5

Although anyone can do it, storm chasing is extremely dangerous. The power of a big storm 31 throw a cow into the air 32 destroy a whole house in seconds. Storm chasers are also often hurt in accidents 33 (cause) by driving in 34 heavy rain. If you are a 35 (begin), it is much safer to join a group for storm-chasing vacations 36 the storm season.

However, for storm chasers, it is all worth it . “37 you get 38 (close)to a storm, it is the most 39 (excite) sight you will 40 see in your life, " says Jasper Morley. “Every storm is an example of the power of nature. It is the greatest show on Earth. "

Keys: 31.can 32.or 33.caused 34.a 35.beginner 36.during 37.When

38.close 39.exciting 40. ever

Passage 8

Alice always wanted to be a singer. Music was the 31 important thing in her life but, to tell you the 32 (true),she took lesson for years, practised every day, 33 in spite of all this,her voice didn't improve. Honestly, it didn't get better, it just got 34 (loud).

Her teacher finally gave 35 and stopped the lessons, but Alice refused to quit, and one day she decided to give a concert and invited her former teacher to attend.

The teacher was very worried about 36 to say after the performance. She knew it 37 be terrible and it was. She didn't want to tell a lie, but she didn't want to hurt Alice's feelings 38 . Finally, she got an idea and went backstage to greet her former pupil.

" Well, " said Alice, “what did you think of 39 perfonnance?"

" My dear, " said the teacher, 'you'll 40 be better than you were tonight. "

Keys: 31.most 32.truth 33.but 34.louder 35.up 36.what 37.would

38.either 39.my 40.never

Passage 6

Rudolph Valentino was a famous film star in the 1920s.

He once wanted to buy a particular silver ring that had a semi-precious stone in 31.

The jeweler warned him against the ring, 32(tell) him that it had a curse on it. 33 owned the ring would have bad luck.

Valention did not believe him 34 he bought the ring.

He wore it during the making of his 35 film, The Young Rajah. The film was a complete failure.

Valentino put the ring 36 and went on to make many 37 (success) films. By 1926, he had forgotten all about the curse on the ring.

He wore it 38.

Soon afterwards, he fell ill and died.

39 of valentino's friends inherited the ring.

She, too, became ill, 40 quickly gave the ring awayto a young artist. She recovered from her illness almost immediately,

keys: 31.it 32.telling 33.Whoever 34.and 35. next 36.away

37.successful 38.again 39.One 40.but

Passage 7

The internet is an amazing information resource. Students, teachers, and researchers use it 31 investigative tool. Journalists use it to find information for stories. Doctors use it to learn more about unfamiliar diseases and the 32 (late) medical development. Ordinary people use it for shopping,banking, bill-paying, and communicating with family and friends. People all over the world use it to connect with individuals from 33 countries and cultures.

34, while there are many positive developments 35 (associate) with the Intemet, there are also certain fears and concerns. 36 concern relates to a lack of control over 37 appears on the Intemet. With television and radio there are editors to check the accuracy or 38(appropriate) of the content of programs, and with television there are restrictions 39 what kinds of programs can 40 (broadcast) and at what times of the day. With the Internet, parents cannot check a published guide to determine what is suitable for their children to see.

KEYS: 31.as 32.latest 33.other 34.However 35.associated 36.One

37.what 38.appropriateness 39.on 40.be broadcast

Passage 8

Will there always be 31 water? When you consider how necessary water is to each and every one of us and to all 32 (live) things, and when you observe how man has mismanaged other 33 (nature) resources, you may have reason to worry. Man has badly polluted his sources of water 34 Earth. And he uses more and more water each day. Can man learn to treat 35(pollute) water for reuse fast enough 36(keep) pace with the world's technology and 37 (grow)population?

At the present time there is no serious shortage of water in the United States. Water however,is not 38 able to meet all the local needs. Some areas, such as the southwestern part of our country,get less rain than 39. In these areas, water must be brought in from 40 outside. Los Angeles, for example, must obtain its water from sources hundreds of miles away in the Colorado River and the rivers of northern California.

Keys: 31.enough 32.living 33.natural 34.on 35.polluted 36.to keep

37.growing 38. everywhere 39. others 40.the

 语法填空是高考改革后的新题型,一般在一篇约200 词左右、难度适中的短文中,设10 个空格,如果不怎么清楚,下面是我为大家整理的关于高考英语语法填空技巧整理,希望对您有所帮助。欢迎大家阅读参考学习!






 (二)、给出词语,词性的变化,如名词、动词、形容词、副词之间的转化,名词的复数形式,给出形容词,需要填写比较级、最高级,或词性词形转化,转化为副词,或是填写 反义词 (前缀);




 例:2015课标IIThe adobe dwellings built by the Pueblo Indians of the American Southwest are admired by even ______ most modern of architects and engineers.


 例:2015广东He owned ______ farm, which looked almost abandoned.

 答案与分析:a。名词farm前应该有冠词,因为在 文章 中第一次出现,所以用不定冠词。

 例:2010广东After the student left, the teacher let ______ student taste the water.


 例:2014广东Last year, my brother and I went to Miami for a vacation. Some of my friends who had been there before said ______ was a wonderful holiday destination.

 答案与分析:it。第二个 句子 中的宾语从句缺主语,这里it代替前文提到过的Miami。

 例:2015课标IFor those who fly to Guilin, it?s only an hour away ______ car and offers all the scenery of the better-known city.


 例:2014课标IIThere were many people waiting at the bus stop, ______ some of them looked very anxious and disappointed.

 答案与分析:and。“There were many people waiting at the bus stop”是个完整的句子,“some of them looked very anxious and disappointed.”也是个完整的句子,两句之间是并列关系。

 例:2012广东______he thought he could escape attention by sitting at the back, he was


 答案与分析:Although/Though。这里有两个句子,“______ he thought he could escape attention by sitting at the back”和“he was wrong.”,且两个句子之间没有分号或句号,根据句意可知,第一个句子是让步状语从句。

 例:2015课标IIAs natural architects, the Pueblo Indians figured out exactly ______ thick the adobe walls needed to be to make the cycle work on most days.

 答案与分析:how。因为“...the Pueblo Indians figured out”和“...the adobe walls needed to be...”是两套主谓关系,即两个句子,它们之间没有句号或分号,空格处必定是填连词;根据句意,确定填写连词how。

 例:2014广东I didn?t understand ______ this would happen and my credit card had already been charged for the reservation.


 例:2015课标II?d skipped nearby Guilin, a dream place for tourists seeking the limestone mountain tops and dark waters of the Li River ______ are pictured by artists in so many Chinese paintings.


 例:2013广东His son looked surprised, “I can understand why I shouldn?t pay too much, Father, but if I can pay less, _____not save a bit of money?”


 例:2014课标IIThen the driver stood up and asked, “ _______anyone lose a suitcase at the last stop? ”




 例:2015课标II?d skipped nearby Guilin, a dream place for tourists seeking the limestone mountain tops and dark waters of the Li River that are pictured by artists in so many Chinese ______ (painting).


 例:2014课标IWhile there are amazing stories of instant transformation, for most of us the ______ (change) are gradual and require a lot of effort and work, like cleaning up a polluted river. 答案与分析:changes。该词后面的动词是复数形式,因此change用复数形式。

 例:2015课标IFinally, that hard work paid off and now the water in the river is ______ (clean) than ever.


 例:2015课标IIIn addition to their simple beauty, what makes the adobe dwellings admirable is their ______ (able) to “air condition” a house without using electric equipment.


 例:2015课标IIAs ______ (nature) architects, the Pueblo Indians figured out exactly how thick the adobe walls needed to be to make the cycle work on most days.


 例:2015课标IIWalls made of adobe take in the heat from the sun on hot days and give out that heat ______ (slow) during cool nights, thus warming the house.


 例.2014课标IJust be ______ (patience).


 例:2015课标IIThis cycle ______ (go) day after day: The walls warm up during the day and cool off during the night and are thus always a timely offset(抵消) for the outside temperatures.

 答案与分析:goes。根据句中的时间状语day after day和后面的句子中使用的时态,可以确定该动词用一般现在时态形式,主语是单数,因此动词用数三人称单数形式。

 例:2015课标IIt was raining lightly when I ______ (arrive) in Yangshuo just before dawn.


 例:2015课标IIWhen a new day breaks, the walls have given up their heat and are now cold enough ______ (cool) the house during the hot day; at the same time, they warm up again for the night.

 答案与分析to cool

 例:2015课标IAbercrombie & Kent, a travel company in Hong Kong, says it regularly arranges quick getaways here for people ______ (live) in Shanghai and Hong Kong.


 例:2015课标IA study of travelers ______ (conduct) by the website TripAdvisor names Yangshuo as one of the top 10 destinations in the world.


 例:2010广东He spit it out, ______ (say) it was awful.


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